Harry Styles Admits He Works Out To One Direction & Has Been In Handcuffs

Harry Styles told all (ok well, sort of) during “Burning Questions” on The Ellen Show.

During the speed round where Styles had to answer with the first thing that comes to mind, Ellen asked the “Adore You” singer a range of various questions that had both the pop star and audience in a fit of giggles. 

While there are many incredible moments during the segment, a few moments really stick out. For starters, we learn that the 25-year-old does not know the difference between boxers and briefs and had to ask the talk show host which was which — but we'll let it slide since they call them “pants” in the UK.

Near the end of the video, the former One Direction singer was asked his guilty pleasure and it's not collecting couture clothes or doing mushrooms but something fans of the boy band will be really happy about! “Working out to One Direction,” he said with a smile after thinking for only about five seconds. MY HEART! Drop the playlist, Styles!

Right after that, Ellen really went for the jugular and asked the singer if he's ever been in handcuffs. Styles wasted no time saying he has. But let's pause for a moment because we need context! It's safe to say there have been zero reports of him getting arrested which only leaves a couple options left… 👀👀

Moving on, we also learn that there's a toss up between his favorite curse word. It's either “bollocks” or “sh**” because “it's solid, does the job.” But he gave the people what they wanted and said “f***” resulting in a thunderous roar of claps.

*Harry voice:* “This is a family show! Or is it?”

Photo: Getty Images

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